• BDS First Year BDS First Year
    • Anatomy
    • Physiology And Biochemistry
    • DADH
  • BDS Second Year BDS Second Year
    • General Pathology and Microbiology
    • General and Dental Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
    • Dental Materials
  • BDS Third Year BDS Third Year
    • Oral Pathology
    • General Medicine
    • General Surgery
  • BDS Final Year BDS Final Year
    • Public Health Dentistry
    • Periodontology
    • Oral Medicine And Radiology
    • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
    • Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
    • Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge
    • Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
    • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Dental Medical Officer Mastery
  • International Exams
Team MasterinBDS

General human Embryology (Phase 1)

General Human Embryology is the branch of embryology that focuses on the development of the human embryo from fertilization to the fetal stage. It encompasses the processes of fertilization, implantation, gastrulation, organogenesis, and fetal development. Understanding human embryology is crucial for various fields such as medicine, biology, and genetics as it provides insights into the formation of human tissues, organs, and systems.

Embryology plays a significant role in fields like obstetrics, pediatrics, and reproductive medicine, guiding practices in prenatal care, diagnosing developmental abnormalities, and assisting in fertility treatments. It also serves as a foundation for understanding evolutionary biology, as the embryonic development of different species often shares common principles and stages.

Average Rating


Name Attended Correct Date Score Rank
Rajnish Saharan 9 4 09-06-2024 20 % 1